The end?

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The end?

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Here we are, time's up.


What have we talked about?



cognitive and affective


Item pools

we got a bit into the deep end

may have been boring


Marbles and the binomial

having "all our marbles" is usually what we want

the binomial is neat


Samples and confidence intervals

bigger samples and better items reduce the size of confidence intervals




we want to have it

it's really important

coefficient alpha is commonly used as the reliability figure for a test or survey

alpha is good when it's 0.80 or greater

low alpha may not always be the end of the world

we can forget about the total score and concentrate on results at the item level

but while this is true, good alpha is what everyone usually wants


Measurement error


we don't want it

but we can't get rid of it

bigger samples (longer tests) help to minimize it



several ways to measure it

many of them look at correlations with other tests or surveys


Coffee and donuts




I thank you very much for your attention, and for the questions you asked (if you asked questions).