ResChartsIcon1 Item response charts are made by clicking on this icon.


Two or three styles of charts are made, depending on the type of Lertap report worksheet active when the icon is clicked on.


How to make a worksheet "active"?  Just get it to show -- this is best done by clicking on its tab (for an example, click here).


If a worksheet of the Stats1b style is active, then simple item response charts are made for all the items summarised in the Stats1b report (this applies to all reports of the "b" style, such as Stats2b, Stats3b, and so on).  The items may be either cognitive or affective.


If a worksheet of the Stats1ul style is active, then quintile-style plots are made for all the items summarised in the Stats1ul report (this applies to all reports of the "ul" style, such as Stats2ul, Stats3ul, and so on).  These 'quintile' plots can greatly assist with the process of identifying how well cognitive items perform.


Page forward to plot your future, topic by topic, or click here if you'd like to leap frog ahead to take in the special topic on chart "toggles".