Lelp, that is, this document, serves a variety of purposes.


Above all, Lelp effectively updates the manual.  For a summary of the major changes made since the manual was printed, see the Revisions topic.


A number of supporting documents have been made available to users since the manual came to light, and Lelp has links to them, often as URLs found under the "Related tidbits" section at the end of some topics.


Most versions of Lelp, such as chm, PDF, and website, may be viewed online.  The manual is also available in an electronic form, but, unlike Lelp, it's not cross-referenced, it has not been formatted as hypertext -- it's not as easy to jump from topic to topic in the manual as it is in Lelp.


Both the manual and Lelp have numerous examples.  The ones in Lelp tend to be somewhat more advanced.


Lelp's explanation of CCs lines and syntax is somewhat more extensive than that found in the manual.


Users of the Windows version of Lertap 5 will find that some of Lertap's dialog boxes, and most of its menus, have automatic, context-sensitive links to Lelp.  By and large, these links are denoted as "Lelp".  Macintosh users do not yet have a similar resource -- they may refer to the website, or to the PDF version.


Finally, this document has an invaluable educational supplement: in numerous spots it introduces elements of Australian slang (strewth!); in other spots it has links to selected Western Australian cultural highlights, such as Emu Export, Mt Barker, and the Southwest Capes.