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Nelson, L.R. (2005). Some observations on the scree test, and on coefficient alpha. Thai Journal of Educational Research and Measurement (ISSN 1685-6740): 3(1), 1-17. (Click here to link to a copy of this paper.)

Nelson, L.R. (2006). Using selected indices to monitor cheating on multiple-choice exams. Thai Journal of Educational Research and Measurement (ISSN 1685-6740): 4(1), 1-18. (Click here to link to a copy of this paper; it was later updated substantially.)

Nelson, L.R. (2007). Some issues related to the use of cut scores. Thai Journal of Educational Research and Measurement (ISSN 1685-6740): 5(1), 1-16. (Click here to link to a copy of this paper.)

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(Possibly available at;
found at the following address January 2008:

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