Affective subtest statistics

Lertap 5 produces two reports sheets for affective subtests, one with “full” statistics, and one with “brief” summaries.  These worksheets will have names similar to those for cognitive subtests, such as “Stats1f” and “Stats1b”, where the “f” refers to “full”, and the “b” to (you guessed it:) “brief”.


If you've been faithfully following the Cook's Tour, you will have found that Lertap has made two reports for the second subtest, Stats2f plus Stats2b, and then two reports for the third subtest, Stats3f plus Stats3b.  This is because the CCs worksheet for the example we’ve been following has three subtests—the first one, a cognitive subtest titled “Knwldge”, has been looked at above; because it was the first one in, its sheets have the number 1 (one) in their names, such as Stats1f, Stats1b, and Stats1ul.  The two affective subtests came next; the first one of these, which is really the second subtest in the overall picture, has its results in the Stats2f and Stats2b reports. Why 2? Because it's the second in line.


Bet you can't guess what the two reports for the third subtest are named? Hint: not Stats4f and Satas4b; if that was your guess you need a big break from this stuff.


The original Cook's Tour, the one mentioned in Chapter 2 of the manual, did not have the third subtest. For your information, what led us to introduce it, the third subtest, was a series of requests from users, particularly one in Australia, and a small smattering in the United States. They wanted a change in the way Lertap processed affective test data. We modified the MDO option in order to silence them. Read what we did here (you'll be gone for a while if you follow this link, but it'll be ever so worth your time).


Okay, ready to be affected by some affective reports? Click.